White Bean and Kale Soup

"My soup was inspired by the seasonal ingredients available at the farmers' market in Boulder, Colorado," explains Amanda Mauser, a 14-year vegetarian and student at Johnson and Wales University in Denver, Colo. "I used smoked paprika to provide the smoky flavor of the pork found in traditional Portuguese kale soup."

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Once viewed by many athletes or fitness enthusiasts as not a “real” workout, many are now aware of the benefits of the practice of Yoga and incorporating it into their exercise routines. The benefits being both physical and mental come from the mind-body connection Yoga is based on. The breathing techniques practiced during a Yoga session improve your balance, flexibility, core strength and endurance.

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Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Evolution of Friendship

Yesterday, my husband and I had our first BBQ in our new home with longtime friends and family.  One of my dearest friends was visiting from out-of-town, so it seemed like an ideal time to bring everyone together.  Not sure if it's my upbringing, but I've always enjoyed hosting a get together.  Even when I was in and shortly out of college and me and friends were still having keg parties, I would get enjoyment out of planning a little something more.  How can you have keg party without food? I'm sure no one even noticed the minor addition of food, but for me planning and then pulling off any type of party was right in my comfort zone.

Now, parties for me include a lot more food, more sober friends, and a time to see everyone at one time which doesn't happen often enough. My beautiful girlfriends have evolved into amazing strong women, in their careers, relationships and also motherhood.  Their personalities, which I was drawn to years ago, are truly the core of who they are.  Our paths have may have taken us in different directions but you don't lose that connection you have with someone.  I will always complain that I don't get to see my friends enough, but really I know that if I needed any one of them, they would be there in a second.  How great is that?!

Before I wrap this up, I wanted to share the recipe for one of the dishes I made for yesterday's party.  Please keep in mind, that when I put recipes up, I encourage you to play with them. I don't think I've cooked using a recipe and have not digressed.  It's important to add your personality to every meal you make. 

Quinoa, Corn and Edamame Salad
taken from Martha Rose Shulman but modified quite a bit

 Salad Ingredients:
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • 1 small can of sweet corn
  • 1 small red onion, diced
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 2 radishes, sliced
  • 1/2 cup low-fat feta, crumbled
  • 1 cup edamame, fresh or thawed frozen
  • 1/2 jalepeno, minced
Dressing Ingredients:
  • 1 tsp of chopped garlic
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 med lime juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
Combine all the salad ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk together the dressing ingredients and toss into the salad. Serve immediately or refrigerate for several hours before hand.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Importance of Water

With temperatutes hitting the 90s this week on the East Coast, the topic of hydration is top of mind for most. A common question I am asked is do other liquids such as tea, coffee, lemonade which are made with water, count as water?  I wanted to share an article I received from a great publishing and education resource, Nature's Field by Tree of Light Publishing to help shed some light on the importance of water. I hope you find it as useful as I did.

Nature's Field - June 7th

Water is the foundation of life, and next to air, the most important nutrient you need to stay alive. Yet, when it comes to healing the body, people don’t often think of water as a “cure” for disease. Water, however, may be one of the cheapest and most important disease cures you’ll ever use.

While being held as a political prisoner in Iran Dr. F. Batmaghelidj discovered that water alone can help to heal many chronic ailments. Having no medicines to work with, he learned that peptic ulcers could be healed with water alone. Following his release from prison, he continued his research on the healing power of water. In his book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, he claims that the body signals its water shortage by producing pain.

He also explains that drinking more water can heal numerous diseases including asthma, arthritis, hypertension, angina, adult-onset diabetes, lupus and multiple sclerosis. In fact, Dr. Batmagheldi has linked dehydration to about 90 different diseases.

Most people think that they don’t need to drink water unless they are thirsty and/or they believe that they can get adequate water from drinking other beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, fruit juice and milk. As a result, they don’t consume enough water.

Thirst is not an adequate indicator of dehydration because most of the water loss in your body (66% in fact) takes place inside of the cells. Another 26% takes place in the extracellular fluid or lymphatics and only 8% is lost from the blood. Thirst is regulated by the amount of water in the blood, which means you might drink enough to rehydrate your blood (so you don’t feel thirsty anymore), but this doesn’t mean you’ve replaced the water lost from inside your cells.

Furthermore, many of the beverages people drink are diuretics. This means they cause the body to flush more water than they contain. Coffee, tea, soda pop and alcohol are all diuretic in nature, which means that if you drink these beverages you need even more water than normal to replace the water you have lost.

Beauty and Hydration

After reading several of Dr. Batmaghelidi’s books, I came to realize that aging is largely a process of increasing dehydration. Little children have a lot more water in their cells than adults do. To understand this, think of the difference between a grape and a raisin. A raisin is just a dehydrated grape. Hydrated grapes are plump and juicy and round, while the dehydrated raisins are dry, shriveled and wrinkly. That’s the difference between hydrated cells and dehydrated cells.

Just look at the difference between a young person’s face (round and soft) and the face of someone who is aging (dried and wrinkly), as shown in the photos below. The same effect is taking place. The wrinkles are happening because the body is no longer hydrated and the cells are no longer plump and juicy.

Since I learned this, I’ve noticed that people who consume a lot of dehydrating beverages (coffee, tea, soda and alcohol) wrinkle more and age more quickly than people who drink a lot of water instead. This means water is a beauty as well as a health secret.
Water and Disease

In a survival situation, finding water is far more important than finding food, as you can live for several weeks without food, but can die in just a few days from dehydration. Yet, when people are sick they usually think of food (diet, herbs and supplements) before they consider water as a cure.

A lot of my success in healing has come from the use of herbal hydrotherapy, the combination of water and herbs. If you think about it, before the advent of capsules, tablets and tinctures, herbs were typically administered as infusions (teas) or decoctions, which means they were taken with water! Swallowing herbs (and supplements) without drinking extra water to rehydrate them won’t give you the same results. Nutrients have to be hydrolyzed (broken down by the action of water) in order for the body to use them. People who are dehydrated simply will not get the expected results from taking herbs and supplements.

In fact, if you think about it, many herbs work by moving water around. Decongestants move water to the lungs to break up thick, hard mucus. Laxatives cause the colon to retain more water to stimulate bowel movements. Diuretics flush water through the kidneys while lymphatic herbs increase water flow through the lymph. So, taking too many herbs and supplements without drinking adequate amounts of water isn't going to improve any one's health very much.

Are You Dehydrated?

Most people in America don’t drink enough water. In fact, they drink just about everything except water. Unfortunately, many of the beverages Americans consume regularly, such as coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas, energy drinks and alcohol are diuretics. This means that instead of adding water to the system, they flush water away and contribute to dehydration.

When we don’t drink enough water, the kidneys have to strain harder to eliminate waste. The waste also becomes more concentrated in the urine, which irritates the urinary passages and bladder. Higher acid increases pain and causes headaches, joint pains and more.

Dehydration also adversely affects the brain. The brain is 85% water and much of the energy produced by the brain is dependent on proper hydration. Even slight decreases in brain hydration can create problems with memory and focus, anxiety, depression and other mood problems. Considering the number of kids drinking large quantities caffeinated sodas and energy drinks, it’s no wonder so many of them have learning and behavioral problems.
Histamine is a hormone used to ration water, so dehydration leads to higher levels of histamine and more problems with allergies and asthma. And this is just the beginning. As previously mentioned, Dr. Batmaghelidj has linked over 90 health problems with dehydration.

Water Therapy: A Simple Way to Improve Your Health for Free
Dr. Batmaghelidj says that thirst is not a reliable indicator of dehydration. His message is, “You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”

Most people need about two to three quarts of water each day. A good rule of thumb is one half ounce of water per day per pound of body weight. Furthermore, this should be purified water so that chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals and other containments have been removed. Purified water tastes better, too, which encourages you to drink more.

It is also important to get some natural salt with your water, especially if you suffer from allergies, asthma or digestive problems. NSP’s Sea Salt is a great natural salt to use.

To learn more, watch the first session of my new ABC+D course. It talks about the fundamental principles of creating good healthy, including adequate hydration and other ways to improve your health that won't cost you anything except a little effort.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Too sick to write?

When I made a pact with myself to blog everyday, I never anticipated I would get sick during this time. Each winter I pride myself for not getting the flu shot or having to take antibiotics. Also, when I cut back on sugar and dairy years ago and I also eliminated my seasonal allergies and sinus infections. All these changes have been great but the fact is I'm not invincible and when I don't get the rest I need or I let my sugar cravings get the best of me, my body shuts down.

So the next couple of days I will rest, eat healthy, and drink lots of water. I may not have my taste buds but I still have my appetite.

Here's hoping for feeling better tomorrow and hopefully continued blogging about my training for the Hamptons Half.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Crunchy Vegetable Slaw

I wanted to share one of my favorite summer recipes. I was unable to prepare in time to take pictures, but maybe you can share yours?

Crunchy Vegetable Slaw
  • 5 stalks bok choy (about 1/2 head), thinly sliced 
  • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced 
  • 1 granny smith apple, sliced  
  • 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts  
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander 
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard 
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice) 
  • 1/4 cup olive oil 
  • 2 teaspoons brown rice syrup 
  • salt and black pepper to taste

1. In a bowl toss together bok choy, onion, apple and sprouts.

2. In a separate bowl mix together the dressing ingredients.

3. Pour the desired amount of dressing over the slaw mixture and serve.

Note: If not eating immediately chill the slaw for up to one hour and then add the apples just before eating.


-Use cabbage instead of bok choy.

-Use carrot slices instead of onion.

-Add fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, mint or scallions.

-Double the dressing ingredients and use on leftover grains.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Yoga for Men

Every now and again, I'll teach a Yoga for Men class at the local YMCA and today I was asked to sub the same class.  When asked by family at lunch this afternoon, "what makes this class different?", my immediate response was that it is more quiet. They don't seem to give feedback as much as my mixed classes and that could be because they don't know me on a personal level like my regular students but the energy does seem to be very different when men are practicing in a men only class.  Men actually seem to be able to quiet the mind and tune out the world and internal mind chatter more easily than women. Again this might be just how it appears on the outside, but I see a heaviness releasing from men when they practice.

There are so many benefits of yoga, and I'll delve deeper into those at another time, but for now I'll focus on the benefits for men.

The livestrong.com blog mentions the benefits for athletic men:

Regular yoga practice can improve your athletic performance and decrease discomfort after other workouts. Yoga stretches out your muscles, which can relieve tension and muscle cramps. Yoga may also decrease the buildup of lactic acid in your blood after working out, which can relieve muscle stiffness and discomfort.

Men often suffer from tight hips and hamstrings from running or cardio type repetitive workouts.  After years of strain and unbearable tightness, that's usually when I see men coming to my classes. Yoga provides a relief that they don't necessarily receive from other forms of exercise. Yoga is a full body workout that creates both strength and flexibility.

If you are an athletic man who suffers from repetitive stress injuries or needs a healthy outlet to bring relief and clarity of mind, I strongly recommend adding yoga to your weekly activities. If you are a man already practicing yoga, what benefits have you experienced?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Establishing a Morning Routine

I'm going to preface this post by stating that I am, and as far back as I can remember, a morning person so I know establishing a morning routine may not be as easy for others. However, if you aren't a morning person, but need to be up and at em first thing, these recommendations are probably more important then you realize.

How we start our day has a huge influence on the choices we make throughout it. A common mistake many make when either trying to lose weight or establishing a healthier lifestyle is making poor choices early on in the day and then deciding to "try again tomorrow". Or "why start now?", when everything is not perfect.  Another comment I often hear is that my job is crazy and by the time I get home, I just need to wind down and the thought of exercising or making a healthy dinner just isn't happening.  My goal is to help others make simple lifestyle changes that they can easily incorporate into their day so it becomes as routine as brushing their teeth or showering.  Here's a simple list that I hope is helpful to you.

  • Do some form of exercise upon waking: Even if you don't have time to make it to the gym or for a full run, give yourself at least a half-hour to get the body moving. Take your dog for a walk, your baby for a stroll, maybe even a quick run or lock yourself in a spare room and do so simple stretches and three rounds of sun saluations.
  • Have one cup of warm water with lemon: If you're a coffee drinker, try having this first instead. If the thought of that makes you shake, then make your cup of water before you shower and drink as you get ready for your day.
  • Eat something to take your multi-vitamin: If your normal routine is to have breakfast at work or a few hours after rising, have a banana after exercising instead. This will allow you to take your multi-vitamin not on an empty stomach. PS - don't forget breakfast -- it's probably your most important meal of the day.
  • Daily Greens with juice: I'm a fan of Nature's Sunshine's Green Zone with about 6 ounces of apple juice.  It gives me my enzymes, probiotics, fiber and greens for the day in case I don't get it all in the form of food and supplements which is ideal.
Those are just a few tips that I try to do each day and hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  What do you do now that helps you start your day on the right foot?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Must we label?

Yesterday I came across a great post on Elephant Journal and it's been on my mind since.  Even if you're not familiar with Sadie Nardini or Sharon Gannon, the article may resonate with you.  During the course of my Holistic Health and Wellness practice, I've worked with and met healthy vegetarians, vegans and carnivores. Then there are those who choose to label their diet without taking in the idea of health at all.  There's usually a situation or desire to make the change and then instead of embracing what might be new healthy alternatives, they fall into the rut of eating whatever they crave.  A perfect example is a vegetarian who lives on carbs alone. I have to admit those are always my favorite clients as I certainly fell into that category years ago. As a self-proclaimed carb and sugar addict, I know full well the desire to make changes but then become completely overwhelmed with any change and instead stay with old habits.

I have absolutely nothing against any person who chooses a certain lifestyle to better him or her self, but I'm ultimately fascinated by human behavior.  Why do some, if not most people feel the need to label themselves, ie. vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, etc?  An obvious answer may be the innate desire to be part of a community.  If you're making the switch to vegetarian or vegan diet, it's often easier and more exciting to get involved and reach out to others that have or are living the same lifestyle.  I thrive off community and love groups, but have a hard time labeling myself.  I will go through phases of not eating meat or dairy, but never would feel comfortable labeling myself a vegan.  Maybe for me, it's the feeling of being trapped to one ideology that prevents be from making an ultimate switch.  Or maybe it's just that I'm just so much more comfortable with moderation?

Whatever you decide or not decide to label yourself, I would recommend taking a moment to write down why you chose that lifestyle and are you living it to its fullest potential.  Part of living is striving to better our selves, friends, family and community as a whole and most importantly appreciate that everyone’s road they travel is unique.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stop and Smell the Roses

When I first tried blogging a couple of years ago, I felt the need to only provide recipes and health related tips. This is truly not the holistic approach I believe in and know you that all our dieting, health issues, etc are tied to the very core of ourselves. My goal is to share my experiences both personally and professionally and hope you can walk away finding the healthy side of yourself.

When I was in High School, I worked for a family friend's florist business and not until recently did I truly appreciate the life and energy that engulfed that shop.  We would watch our daily ABC soaps, laugh as we sat around and ate lunch and of course bitched and moaned as Valentine's Day approached. By the time V-Day was over, the sight of a single red rose may send you over the deep end.

As the years gone by, I continued my appreciation for plants and flowers but apartment living didn't lend itself to anything beyond some cut flowers in vase. Recently, I purchased my first home and feel extremely fortunate to have found a place where the previous owners took great pride and joy in gardening.  We moved in at the end of April and by mid May the yard was blossoming with the Spring blooms.  As the roses started to bud, I was brought back to my days at Louis Florist and was consumed with gratitude. 

I can now remember walking around the florist watering all those plants and the pleasure it brought to me. How lucky am I that I now have those feelings in my own front yard? I only hope I can keep these flowers blooming year after year and maybe one day years from now I can pass them along to someone else who will find the pleasure I now have found.

What simple things in life bring you pleasure? 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Running with a Purpose

Getting into running was probably one of my biggest physical obstacles/accomplishments I had in years. Due to my history of neck/back issues - herniated discs, etc - docs always seemed against this activity for me. Not until a few years ago, did I start hearing from other body workers that running actually may do me good. Since my back and neck muscles were so weak, maybe running would help build the strength I needed? Last year I joined Team in Training and decided to run my first half-marathon.  Training definitely did not come without its hitches but overall I felt great both mentally and physically. It helped me lose the weight I was hoping to for my wedding and it also allowed me an outlet during the wedding planning.  That quickly came to an end when I was told I would need spinal surgery last fall.

After the surgery, I didn't exercise for 6 weeks. When allowed, I jumped back into yoga privates with Gina Norman from Kaia Yoga.  At 8 weeks, I bought a 10-pack of personal training sessions, and at 10 weeks, I decided to start running.  Wrong!  My body didn't like this idea at all.  My hips and legs immediately revolted but still I continued to try to run through the pain.  That didn't last very long. One of my best attributes is my intuitiveness with my body. I tried not listening, but when it let out a scream to stop I did.  I rested, did my daily walks, and now feeling like I'm up for the challenge again.

This time I will start out slow and really listen to what my body is telling me.  I had my first group run on Saturday and felt great during and after.  I actually cannot wait for the rain to stop so I can get back out there again today.  Running with Team in Training, helps me to stay on course.  I may not have someone in my life battling cancer at the present moment, but that can quickly change with a blink of an eye.  Just knowing that there are others out there needing support is motivation enough for me. If you'd like to donate to this cause, please do so at my fundraising page.

I’d like to wrap this up with one of my favorite after running breakfasts. Easy, quick and just hits the spot. Try it! I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

Cinnamon & Raisin Ezekial Muffin with PB&J



  • 1 toasted Ezekial Muffin

  • 1 tbs of natural peanut or almond butter

  • 1 tsp of jam or half banana (cut into thin slices)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vegetarian Tacos

Since the start of Lent, I've given up meat and fish and loving all my favorite vegetarian meals and embarking on a week of vegan so will be trying out a lot of new ones. I went many years without meat all together, but have found that I work best in moderation. My body responds best when I take a break from time to time as I'm doing now  Today, I thought I'd share one of my favorite vegetarian meals that is a my husband's best: vegetarian tacos, which we had for dinner last night. It's so easy, there's no excuse not to try.

  • 2 cans of garbanzo beans
  • Blue corn taco shells
  • 2 tsp of olive oil
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning
  • small can of organic corn
  • 2 tomatoes chopped
  • 1 red or yellow pepper chopped
  • 1 scallion chopped
  • 1/2 cucumber chopped
  • feta cheese optional
  • taco sauce optional
  • cilantro

Puree beans in food processor or mash with fork.  Heat olive oil in pan and add chickpea puree with 1/2 packet of taco seasoning.  Mix well and cook for 5-8 minutes or until mixture is hot.

Add all chopped veggies to bowl and serve with tacos.  Add all your fixings and feta cheese is optional but adds nice flavor if you eat dairy.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Awakens

As Spring approaches and we settle back in to longer days, you may start to notice changes on both a physical and emotional level. My body always naturally gravitates toward the warm and heavier meals of the winter months and slowly I start to see the desire switch to lighter and cooler. The notion of winter pounds shouldn’t be a surprise or always be viewed negatively. We instinctively need to protect ourselves from the cold. Root vegetables and hearty soups and stews will soon start to be replaced by raw and grilled vegetables, leafy green salads and sweet fruits. Those winter pounds that may have snuck up on you also may start to naturally shed themselves.

I’m the first to admit that I want to get back into shape for the summer months. However, I do realize that this burden to look or feel a certain way by a certain date is not healthy on so many levels. Instead, how about letting nature take its course and start changing your lifestyle as the seasons allow; those March days where the weather allows you to be outside more need to be taken advantage of. No matter where you live, there are places to explore. Walking a beach or going to a local park is not only enjoyable but is giving you the exercise you need and want.

Now that we’ve moved our clocks ahead and we actually will see the sun during the work week, make a promise to yourself to get out there and enjoy them. It’s so easy to let time go by and before you know it the cycle of seasons will bring something else upon else.

Have fun and stay tuned for a lot of new recipes for the warmer days ahead!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gratitude for Self

My Sunday morning routine for the past two years is I wake up super early as always, take my pup for a nice long walk, and then sit down with a cup of coffee and plan my yoga classes for the week. I must admit that the classes usually take on a life of their own and never follow the format planned, but I need a foundation to feel prepared. In my true ADD fashion, there are a million notebooks around my office loaded with food and weight journals, yoga sequences, and life journals in no logical order. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself hoping that I could be one of those people who had their journals in the same spot, in chronological order, but now I actually get a lot of pleasure opening up these journals because I never know what I will find.

Since today is no different than any other Sunday, I opened up one of my many journals and came across a list labeled Gratitude for Self. I wish I could say that I created this beautiful list, but I know I must of saw it somewhere, wrote it down, and made a promise to myself to read it everyday. So I apology in advance that I'm not able to give its creator the proper credit, but I truly feel its one list I must share. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and write it down somewhere, really think about the statements and if you don't get anything from it now, I suspect that one day you will come across it again when needed. Isn't that how life just works sometimes?

Gratitude for Self

1. Ability to move on from the past and look forward to the future without constant fear

2. Realization that I cannot do everything for myself and I should reach out when help is needed

3. Grateful that my past has been a learning experience and not an inhibitor of future success

4. Friends that love me for who I am

5. Realizing what is harmful to me and not letting it in to my life

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eating Healthy Can Be Easy

Let me preface this post with THANK YOU Fairway for coming to CT. When I lived in NYC, I would try and head over to Fairway but never as much as I would have liked. Living in a 5th floor walk-up, it was much easier ordering from Fresh Direct. Luckily now that I live in CT, Fairway has made its way North and opened its largest location yet in Stamford, CT. If you have a car and it is close enough for you, I strongly recommend the trip. Finally, there is affordable organic shopping with a variety that surpasses all others. Vegetarian, Vegan or if traditional boxed food is your thing, all is there.

Recently, one of my vegan clients posted info on the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart http://pcrm.org/kickstartHome/mealplan/index.cfm and my first thought what a great way to start off the New Year. However, this was after I already picked my menu for a 5 day conference I'm attending January 6-9th so I'm moving my start date back to January 11th. Starting on a Tuesday gives me the Monday to do all my shopping (hence the Fairway enthusiasm) and prepare food for the week.

The most common statement I hear from most potential and existing clients is how they do not want have to cook all their meals. My philosophy has always been that no matter what your style of eating is i.e. Omnivore, Vegetarian, or Vegan, the most healthy foods are organic (when possible), whole foods. This however doesn't mean that you need to cook every meal that day. Making three large meals on a Sunday, gives you most of your lunch and dinner options for the work week. Allow yourself one meal a week to eat out or order in. I promise that once you get yourself on a healthy regimen you will not overindulge on that "free" meal. And if you do in the beginning, your body will quickly tell you "Please do not do that again!" The key factor to eating healthy is being prepared. Have options available for each meal and either plan it out for the week or at least plan for your next day. Once you have most your meals prepared ahead of time, you won't need to worry about growing tired of the same old thing each day.

Knowing that I'll start my 21-Day Vegan adventure, I will not eat meat and cheese 3x a day before hand. Instead, I'll start cutting back now. I'll bring healthy snacks on my trip so I'm not tempted by poor options. Remember that doing something healthy is not a punishment. You will look and feel great! Make a conscience effort to not deprive yourself of your cravings but instead be one step ahead of them and I promise they will start to decrease.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, Same Me!

I couldn't believe how many emails I've received over the past week with the subject line "New Year, New You". Of course, I was intrigued by the first one but after the last one this morning, I really became annoyed. What's wrong with the old me? And why do these newsletters/companies insist on playing on the same old theme that each year we need to change something about ourselves? So the positive of this all is I'm now writing which I've avoided the past year.

To say 2010 was a little hectic is an understatement. I continued to try and grow my counseling practice, teach more yoga classes, work full-time as an Online Marketing Consultant and plan a wedding. Throw in training and running a half marathon, actually get married and then have a spinal discectomy with fusion and I become a little dizzy thinking about it. Of course, as I live and breathe my day to day life, I would continue to put pressure on myself that I wasn't doing enough. Everyone has their "thing" and mine is probably being too hard on myself. As long as I could remember I would over commit. Always too quick to say "I'll do it!" and then when the time came to do all the things I committed to, I would feel exhausted and hold resentment. I do take pride in myself and the drastic improvements this past year in this area. I'm more comfortable saying no and I don't regret it when I do. What a relief! It's literally the feeling of having a thousand pound weight being lifted from your chest. Being able to breathe normally, wake up each morning without a feeling a dread, and be excited about what lies ahead is amazing.

Taking time to reflect on the previous year is the best part of the "New Year" for me. I'm not completely against resolutions, but we all know they are forgotten by Feb 1st. I truly believe it's because we over emphasize on what we want to change about ourselves. How about loving or being content with who we are and taking time to reflect on all the positives we've done throughout the year? Maybe we can build upon the positives instead of making resolutions to do what we really don't enjoy anyway. Was there something you did that is out of your ordinary that you really enjoyed? Give yourself a few hours to sit with a pen and paper and write down all the events, activities, situations that made you happy this past year. You may find a glimpse into your true self that you didn't know was there. Enjoy this New Year with the Same You!

Running the Fairfield Half Marathon

Wedding Day