Once viewed by many athletes or fitness enthusiasts as not a “real” workout, many are now aware of the benefits of the practice of Yoga and incorporating it into their exercise routines. The benefits being both physical and mental come from the mind-body connection Yoga is based on. The breathing techniques practiced during a Yoga session improve your balance, flexibility, core strength and endurance.
Often overlooked during exercise, balance is one of the most effective ways to help injuries or correct body functionality issues. Yoga is a perfect way to incorporate balance exercises into your training routine. During most routines you tend to perform repetitive movements that develop some muscle groups while others are ignored. Yoga will help with this.
Yoga takes a holistic approach to core strength and flexibility which are essential for safe strength and endurance training including exercise for weight loss. Properly strengthening the muscles of the core will improve alignment and lessen imbalances that lead to overuse injuries. Frequent yoga training may also increase flexibility while relieving muscle tension.
There are many different styles of yoga being practiced today ranging from the more intense flow to the gentler slow asanas (poses) but the root of this ancient practice always goes back to the breath. Whether you are just getting back into a regular exercise regime or a competitive athlete, connecting your mind, body and breathe will help you reach your goals safely, effectively and with joy.