As Spring approaches and we settle back in to longer days, you may start to notice changes on both a physical and emotional level. My body always naturally gravitates toward the warm and heavier meals of the winter months and slowly I start to see the desire switch to lighter and cooler. The notion of winter pounds shouldn’t be a surprise or always be viewed negatively. We instinctively need to protect ourselves from the cold. Root vegetables and hearty soups and stews will soon start to be replaced by raw and grilled vegetables, leafy green salads and sweet fruits. Those winter pounds that may have snuck up on you also may start to naturally shed themselves.
I’m the first to admit that I want to get back into shape for the summer months. However, I do realize that this burden to look or feel a certain way by a certain date is not healthy on so many levels. Instead, how about letting nature take its course and start changing your lifestyle as the seasons allow; those March days where the weather allows you to be outside more need to be taken advantage of. No matter where you live, there are places to explore. Walking a beach or going to a local park is not only enjoyable but is giving you the exercise you need and want.
Now that we’ve moved our clocks ahead and we actually will see the sun during the work week, make a promise to yourself to get out there and enjoy them. It’s so easy to let time go by and before you know it the cycle of seasons will bring something else upon else.
Have fun and stay tuned for a lot of new recipes for the warmer days ahead!